17 Aralık 2013 Salı

Turkey Flight Times

Want to know how long your flight time will be when flying from Turkey?

Calculate your travel destination arrival time using our travellers guide to average flight durations from Turkey to a selection of international airports, plus a guide to the best time of year to travel to those countries...

England (UK)
Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to London Heathrow, England (UK): 4 hours
Best time to travel: May - October

USA (New York)
Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to New York, USA (New York): 11 hours
Best time to travel: All year round (but hot in July & August)

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Buenos Aires, Argentina: 17 hours
Best time to travel: September - November, March - May

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Sydney, Australia: 20 hours
Best time to travel: July - December

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Vienna, Austria: 2 hours
Best time to travel: November – April

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Nassau, Bahamas: 15 hours
Best time to travel: November – April

Barbados (Caribbean)
Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Christ Church, Barbados (Caribbean): 15 hours
Best time to travel: November – April

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Brussels, Belgium: 3 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Sao Paulo, Brasil: 16 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Toronto, Canada: 12 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Beijing, China: 12 hours
Best time to travel: April - October (but wet in July & August)

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Paphos, Cyprus: 4 hours
Best time to travel: All year round

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Cairo, Egypt: 3.5 hours
Best time to travel: October - May

England (UK)
Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Manchester, England (UK): 4 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Nadi, Fiji: 24 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Lapland, Finland: 6 hours
Best time to travel: May - November

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Paris, France: 3 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Berlin, Germany: 3 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Athens, Greece: 1 hours
Best time to travel: April - October

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Budapest, Hungary: 2 hours
Best time to travel: May - October

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Delhi, India: 6 hours
Best time to travel: November - March

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Jakarta, Indonesia: 14 hours
Best time to travel: June - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Dublin, Ireland: 4 hours
Best time to travel: June - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Rome, Italy: 2.5 hours
Best time to travel: April - October

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Tokyo, Japan: 13 hours
Best time to travel: April - May, October - November

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Nairobi, Kenya: 6 hours
Best time to travel: August - March

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Luqa, Malta: 5 hours
Best time to travel: All year round

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Plaisance, Mauritius: 12 hours
Best time to travel: May - November

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Cancun, Mexico: 17 hours
Best time to travel: November - June

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Amsterdam, Netherlands: 3 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Warsaw, Poland: 2.5 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Lisbon, Portugal: 6 hours
Best time to travel: March - October

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Moscow, Russia: 5 hours
Best time to travel: May - August

Scotland (UK)
Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Edinburgh, Scotland (UK): 6 hours
Best time to travel: June - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Mahé, Seychelles: 12 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Singapore, Singapore: 13 hours
Best time to travel: All year round (but wet in November & December)

South Africa
Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Johannesburg, South Africa: 10 hours
Best time to travel: September - May

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Madrid, Spain: 4 hours
Best time to travel: April - October

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Stockholm, Sweden: 4 hours
Best time to travel: June - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Zurich, Switzerland: 3 hours
Best time to travel: May - September

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Bangkok, Thailand: 9 hours
Best time to travel: November - April

Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Dubai, UAE: 4 hours
Best time to travel: December - March

USA (Hawaii)
Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Honolulu, USA (Hawaii): 22 hours
Best time to travel: February - November

USA (Nevada)
Flight time from Istanbul, Turkey to Las Vegas, USA (Nevada): 17 hours
Best time to travel: All year round

This data represents the quickest achievable flight time between destinations and assumes minimal delays between transfers. Flight durations may also vary according to direction of travel and, in these cases, the flying time listed is for the fastest direction. Note that faster flight times may become available as new airlines, aircraft or routes become available. Also note that actual travel times may be longer due to taxiing at airports, queuing for flight slots and so on.

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